Danny Bay
Nominated by Kathy Speirs, seconded by Natalie Bay
Our family (Natalie, Charlie, Pippa, and little Sadie) are relatively new residents to Kuaotunu after moving here in 2018.
For the previous 10 years or so, we have enjoyed Kuaotunu as a holiday destination, staying at our family bach. On every return home, we wondered what life would look like if we were to be living in Kuaotunu full time. We finally made the decision to make Kuaotunu our home and we haven't looked back. The community has been so welcoming and supportive.
Kuaotunu is a special place and I'd like to contribute to its future. Joining the KRRA seems like a good chance to give back.
Alastair Brickell
Nominated by Bill Muir, seconded by Murray Speirs
Harriette and I have lived in Kuaotunu for almost 40 years and now run Stargazers B&B and Astronomy Tours.
Over that time I have been involved in several community groups including the Fire Brigade (over 35 years), Rings Beach Wetland Group, Kuaotunu Hall Committee, MB Area School Board of Trustees, Kuaotunu Domain Board and also on the MB Historical Society committee for over 20 years. Time permitting I also help out with Kauri 2000 planting and volunteer at the Coromandel I-Site.
Having been a KRRA committee member at various times over the last 30 years I am standing again as I feel it is an organisation that deserves input from a dedicated group of locals with a diverse range of ages, backgrounds and interests.
Only then can we ensure that Kuaotunu develops the way we want it to; rather than the way our local or regional councils think it should.

Kevin Crawford
Nominated by Alastair Brickell, seconded by Harriette Brickell
My wife Jenny and I have had a property in Kuaotunu West since 1983, built our house in 2005 and made the permanent move in mid 2020.
My background is in Engineering Consultancy with some 45 years in delivery of infrastructure projects here and overseas with the last 20 years in New Zealand on road and rail projects for local authority and government agencies.
It is this experience that can advocate for the Kuaotunu community through KRRA with TCDC and Waka Kotahi on key issues such as a fairer share of investment into local & SH25 roading and road safety, walking and cycling and community infrastructure.
In the past year I’ve been pleased to have played a part with a proactive Committee that amongst other aspects has achieved a Community Board September 22 resolution to advance a Business Case into a new suspension bridge at the Rockfall site aimed at restoring connectivity for walkers and cyclists from Kuaotunu to Matarangi and progressed discussions with TCDC on the brief and community input. We have also developed a multipurpose overlay proposal for refurbishment of the Domain tennis court area and agreement with the Domain Board to co-fund the scope with the Community Board grant and submitted it to TCDC.
I am passionate about this vibrant community we are fortunate to call home and proactively contributing to achieving its future vision.

Courtney Linnecar
Nominated by Erica Sacault, seconded by Matt Linnecar
Hello my name is Courtney Linnecar. My family and I moved here 3 years ago and absolutely love it. We are involved in a few different local organisations / initiatives like the Kuaotunu Kindergarten, Project Kiwi and the Kuaotunu Food Forest. In addition to this, we are currently setting up the Happylocal Hub to bring our community together around what makes a good life; creating, great holistic health and connecting with one another.
I would like to be a representative of the KRRA to represent the young working families in the area who have a passion for health and wellbeing, the environment and business. I look forward to helping our community remain the best place to live in New Zealand!

Steve McKenzie
Nominated by Luke Reilly, seconded by Brent Page
My background has been 30 years in Hospitality and currently Operations Manager of Luke’s Kitchen.
I moved here two years ago with my wonderful family for a lifestyle change and to also spend more time together.
I felt welcomed straight away and fell in love with the way a real community cares for each other.
I would really like to be a part of preserving and helping grow that community feel.
The reason I still love hospitality is because of people, from holiday makers, community friends and the whole LK family, it is always the people who make the difference.

Kate Nielsen
Nominated by Mel Asquith, seconded by Dan Asquith
My family and I have lived in Kuaotunu for 18 years, and I have been on the KRRA committee for 5 years. I love being involved in the community and believe strongly in serving the natural beauty, quirky & diverse population, and village feel, that we are lucky to call home.
It is so important that we continue to ensure Kuaotunu is recognised as a unique and strong voice in the broader scope of the Mercury Bay area.

Brent Page
Nominated by Ursula Gaebler, seconded by Lise Hermansen
Lise and I have owned property in Kuaotunu since 1988 and been permanent residents since 2000. My career experience was in the IT industry over 30 years, 25 of which was as CEO/Shareholder of Connect NZ. CNZ was NZ’s largest, privately owned ICT company, with 185 employees and offices in Akl, Ham, Wgtn & CHCH.
During the period 2010-2014, I chaired Destination Coromandel and from 2012 to 2016, I chaired TCDC’s Economic Development Committee. After being elected in April 2018, I have been a member of the current committee.
Lise and I continually remind ourselves how blessed we are to be able to live in Kuaotunu Village and are keen to ensure that our natural environment is preserved and enhanced and that the wonderful, creative and unique individuals that make up our Community all have a voice in our future together.
Bella Pierce
Nominated by Steve McKenzie, seconded by Kathy Speirs
Although I am a born and bred Aucklander who has been visiting the Coromandel region since my younger days, I made the decision to move full-time to Kuaotunu in July 2021 and currently operate a local housekeeping business, providing private residential and commercial services across the peninsula.
Since relocating, I have experienced a strong sense of community spirit and very much look forward to being part of the KRRA's efforts to drive positive change and amplify the voices of local residents. I am committed to safeguarding the well-being of the community and excited to contribute to its future success.
Carrie Parker
Nominated by Jose Kakebeeke, seconded by Waling Kakebeeke
I moved back to New Zealand as a permanent resident in 2006, having chosen Kuaotunu as my home. My career was IT and Project Management, and on retiring I decided to get involved in community activities that would combine my work skills and my love of the environment we live in. Charlie and I were welcomed into this wonderfully supportive community and made many new friends.
I was a member of the KRRA committee for 6 years, 3 years of which I was Chairperson. I have been an active member of the Rings Beach Wetland group for over 6 years and am the coordinator of the trapping teams. I am Chair of the Kuaotunu Hall Committee and I am very proud of all the committee has achieved – both before and since my appointment. Volunteering with these groups is very rewarding and I am ready to contribute again as best I can as part of KRRA.
Bruce Pilkington
Nominated by Marilyn Pilkington, seconded by Christine Godden
Marilyn and I have owned a property in Bluff Rd since 2006. Prior to that we owned and operated two dairy farms in the North Waikato. I have lived here permanently for the last eleven years.
During our time here we have been active in the establishment and as one of six directors of the Kuaotunu Camp Ground. I have also have been involved in the local fire brigade (FENZ) and am presently Station Officer. I am a keen fisherman.
I would like to see pedestrian access between Kuaotunu West and the village made safer for the many families who are also shareholders and visitors, especially during the busy summer months.

Luke Reilly
Nominated by Adam Coleman-Smith, seconded by Steph Wood
Standing for the committee means a lot to me as I would like to have an input into the present and future of Kuaotunu.
Being lucky enough to have grown up in this area, but experience work and travel around different parts of the world, has given me a huge appreciation of how special our community and environment is in Kuaotunu.
I believe in keeping Kuaotunu......Kuaotunu.

Erica Sacault
Nominated by Courtney Linnecar, seconded by Olivier Sacault
Hello, my name is Erica Sacault (née Kirby).
I moved at 9 months old from Gisborne to Kuaotunu. Living at times in different places, Tokyo being one, I mostly grew up in Kuaotunu. I came back to the area seven years ago with my young family.
Yearning to be in Kuaotunu since, and having searched for a long time, we finally found our slice of paradise here in Kuaotunu. I would happy to be on the KRRA and put time and effort into keeping Kuaotunu as lovely as it can be.

Kathy Speirs
Nominated by Janet Clark, seconded by Jo Mullins
My professional background is in IT, business development and financial management. My interests are varied but include flower gardening, travel, and conservation.
I am currently the Secretary/Treasurer of the Hall Committee, the Treasurer of KRRA, and the Treasurer of the Rings Beach Wetland Group. I enjoy being able to leverage my background in technology to improve the administration of these groups so that they can be more successful at what they do.
I am passionate about communicating as widely as possible with the members of our community, as I believe that the more our community is involved, informed and consulted, the better chance KRRA has of understanding and representing their views and aspirations.
Roimata Taimana
Nominated by Carolyn Wadey-Barron, seconded by Isabel Gilbert-Palmer
Ko Moehau tōku maunga,
Ko Pungapunga tōku awa,
Ko Whangapoua tōku moana,
Ko Ngati Huarere ko rawa Ngapuhi tōku iwi,
Ko Mangakahia tōku whanau,
Ko Roimata Taimana tōku ingoa.
My name is Roimata, I am whangai to the Mangakahia whanau of Whangapoua. I have been a part of this community since the early 80's and call Hauraki Coromandel my home.
I am employed by Te Korowai Hauora o Hauraki as a Mataora/Change Agent, working with whanau in distress and rangatahi/youth at Mercury Bay Area School and Kapanga/Coromandel Kura.
I am a committee member of KRRA, Creative Coromandel and LSAR IAG (Land Search and Rescue, Inclusivity Advisory Group) national team. I am also a volunteer for KSAR (Kuaotunu Search and Rescue) and Whangapoua Fire Brigade.
I am passionate about Music and the Arts. My wife and I also hold a music evening (Music in the Valley) and I often host Open Mic Nights in Kuaotunu and Whitianga. I have recorded music with Mr Brent Page, Kuaotunu, Earwig Studios, Auckland to name a few. I am also a member of the 10 Artists, Kuaotunu and was a member of The Art Escape for the past five years.
Communication in community is so very important, so I strive to make a difference how ever and where ever I can. I also believe that if you look after the whenua, the whenua will look after you.