Need medical attention?

There are no full-time medical practices based in Kuaotunu. There is however a medical practice in Whitianga (20 minutes away by road).

If you are not sure whether you really need to visit a doctor, you can call Healthline for free medical advice from a registered nurse:
0800 611 116
(24 hour number)

Always call 111 immediately if you think someone's life is in danger

Do you suspect that someone is having a heart attack?
Find the closest AED
(Automated External Defibrillator)

Medical Practices

Mercury Bay Medical Centre

07 866 5911
  87 Albert St, Whitianga

Note that on 1 April 2020 the Mercury Bay Medical Centre merged with The Doctor’s Surgery to become one practice working from both sites.

Last year the Mercury Bay Medical Centre trialled weekly clinics at the Happylocal Hub in the Kuaotunu village, and these were very well received. They hope to be able to recommence these clinics this year - contact them directly for details.

Emergency Healthcare Providers

St John First Response Group

St John is establishing a First Response Group in Kuaotunu that will respond in the first instance to calls for ambulance assistance. The Response Group will always be backed up by an ambulance.

The purpose of the First Response Group is to attend and provide treatment prior to an ambulance arriving. In other words getting assistance to patients quicker.

Kuaotunu Volunteer Fire & Emergency NZ

The members of the Kuaotunu Volunteer Fire & Emergency NZ are also trained as first responders, and are frequently tasked to respond to medical emergencies.

Mental Health emergency?

To obtain a crisis mental health assessment for someone, call the Waikato District Health Board:
0800 50 50 50
(24 hour number)

Carrie Richards & Lise Hermansen, two members of the Kuaotunu St John First Response Group
Carrie Richards & Lise Hermansen, two members of the Kuaotunu St John First Response Group